Custom Industrial Fabricator, Industrial Powder Coating, Birmingham Alabama. Edwards Equipment Sales Inc have been serving the home improvements, supermarket and other retail industries since 1974. Edwards Equipment started out as a manufacturers representative and distributor in the southeast providing shopping carts, stainless steel tables, sinks and other equipment to grocery stores and drug stores. In 1986, Edwards Equipment started to provide a heavier constructed stock cart to the territory and industry which lead to our jump into manufacturing. This lead Edwards into manufacturing sinks, tables and aluminum racks and carts in the southeast territory. Since then Edwards has worked with many customer to to develop new designs for material handling carts and inventory control systems that are the industry standard today for grocery and home improvement.
Powder Coatings (Manufacturers) Executives of Edwards Equipment Sales Inc
Owner, Jim Edwards Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : We are a homegrown, Veteran family owned and operated company, based in Birmingham, Alabama. We have been a full-service metal fabrication and installation company, since 1974. We are well known for our industrial and residential Powder Coating Services.
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Edwards Equipment Sales Inc. in Birmingham you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
Established in: 1982
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